International Language Center BBB Business Review Trusted and Respected since 1983

Hello, World!

Hello, World!


It’s such a simple word, and even if you don’t speak multiple languages, chances are you know how to say “hello” in more than one language.

Hola. Bonjour. Hallo. Aloha.

More than 30 years ago, St. Louis resident and Italian native Bernardo Brunetti recognized a need to connect people and businesses with one another via customized language services. He envisioned a place that would support and facilitate communication among individuals and businesses across languages and across cultural boundaries.

Welcome to the International Language Center (ILC), St. Louis’ largest full-service foreign language company.

At ILC, we facilitate communication on a global scale. We are passionate about partnering with people and businesses to help effectively communicate across language, cultural and geographic barriers. We help our clients achieve greater economic and community impact by:

  • providing interpreters across our city and state for clients of Limited English Proficiency (LEP)
  • serving the Deaf and Hard-of-hearing community through certified interpreters of American Sign Language (ASL)
  • translating important documents and packaging for companies operating on a global scale, as well as for the government, school districts, law firms, and individuals
  • offering customized foreign language classes for children and adults
  • creating custom after-school language and tutoring programs for students
  • assisting individuals with immigration paperwork, medical appointments, driving permit exams, parent teacher conferences and more

We welcome you to our new blog, where regularly we will post news, entertaining stories and featured interviews relevant to the language services industry. Connect with us via LinkedIn and Twitter, and find us on Facebook to learn a “word of the week” in multiple languages, catch glimpses of language work around the globe and share your thoughts about the challenges and joys of communicating across linguistic and cultural boundaries. Know an immigrant, translator, interpreter, Deaf or Hard-of-hearing individual who would make an excellent profile for a featured interview on our blog? Email ILC at [email protected] and we’ll be in touch!

We want this blog and our social media channels to be places for you to interact and share, learn and grow in your understanding of communication and the ever-changing global marketplace. From all of the languages spoken fluently in our offices in both St. Louis and Madrid, we say:






Добре дошли!


When it comes to communication, one size does not fit all. We invite you to connect with us from your own little corner of the world. We look forward to “meeting” you!




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